Difference between Contract Purchase Agreement and Blanket Purchase Agreement

When it comes to procurement, there are various types of agreements that an organization can enter into with a supplier. Two such agreements are Contract Purchase Agreement (CPA) and Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA). While both of these agreements are used for purchasing goods and services from a supplier, there are some key differences between them. In this article, we will explore those differences.

Contract Purchase Agreement (CPA)

A Contract Purchase Agreement (CPA) is a type of agreement between a buyer and a supplier that outlines the terms and conditions of the procurement process. In this agreement, the buyer and supplier agree on the price, quantity, delivery date, and other important terms. CPAs are generally used for one-time purchases or for long-term purchases where a fixed quantity of goods or services is required.

CPAs are beneficial for buyers as they provide certainty around the procurement process, including pricing and delivery dates. Additionally, as the agreement is for a fixed quantity, it provides protection against price fluctuations and ensures that the buyer receives the goods or services they require.

Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA)

A Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA), on the other hand, is a type of agreement that allows a buyer to purchase goods or services from a supplier based on a set of predetermined terms and conditions. BPAs are generally used when a buyer needs to make multiple purchases of the same or similar items over a period of time.

BPAs are beneficial for buyers as they provide flexibility in the procurement process. They allow buyers to make purchases as needed, without having to go through the entire procurement process each time. Additionally, as the terms and conditions are predetermined, the procurement process is streamlined, saving time and resources for the buyer.

Differences between CPA and BPA

The main difference between CPA and BPA is the type of procurement process they are used for. CPAs are used for one-time or long-term purchases of a fixed quantity, while BPAs are used for multiple purchases over a period of time. Additionally, CPAs provide certainty around the procurement process, including pricing and delivery date, while BPAs provide flexibility in the procurement process.


In summary, while both Contract Purchase Agreements (CPAs) and Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) are used for purchasing goods and services from a supplier, they are used for different types of procurement processes. CPAs are used for one-time or long-term purchases of a fixed quantity, while BPAs are used for multiple purchases over a period of time. Understanding the differences between these two agreements is important for buyers to ensure that they choose the agreement that best suits their procurement needs.

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