Single Word for Come to an Agreement

When it comes to communication, there are certain words and phrases that can help convey our thoughts and ideas more effectively. One such phrase that is commonly used when two or more parties are trying to reach a common ground is “come to an agreement.”

However, what if you wanted to express the same sentiment with a single word? Is there a word that can effectively convey the idea of coming to an agreement without using a phrase or sentence?

The answer is yes. The single word that can be used to express the concept of coming to an agreement is “consensus.”

Consensus is a noun that refers to a general agreement among a group of people. It is derived from the Latin word “consensus”, which means “agreement.”

One of the advantages of using the term “consensus” is that it conveys a sense of collaboration and cooperation among the parties involved. It implies that all parties have worked together to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution.

Another benefit of using “consensus” is that it is well-suited for SEO purposes. The word is commonly used in business and political contexts and is often used in headlines and titles of articles related to negotiation and conflict resolution.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a single word that can effectively express the idea of coming to an agreement, “consensus” is an excellent choice. It conveys a sense of collaboration and cooperation while also being well-suited for SEO purposes. So, next time you are writing an article or email, consider using the term “consensus” to convey your message more effectively.

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