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A meditative means of discovering dysfunctional perception and cognition, as well as overcoming it to release any suffering, find inner peace and salvation.
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Modern Yoga

Modern postural yoga consists largely but not exclusively of the practice of asanas. There were very few standing asanas before 1900. By 2012, there were at least 19 widespread styles from Ashtanga Yoga to Viniyoga. These emphasize different aspects including aerobic exercise, precision in the asanas, and spirituality in the Haṭha yoga tradition. For example, Bikram Yoga has an aerobic exercise style with rooms heated to 105 °F.

India has been the birthplace of Yoga and whole world is adopting it because of the benefits it has on human soul and mind. Yoga brings mindfulness, peace, serenity and overall health benefits. Explore our online Yoga classes and take a move towards divinity.

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A meditative means of discovering dysfunctional perception and cognition, as well as overcoming it to release any suffering, find inner peace and salvation.
Inspired Articles
Modern postural yoga consists largely but not exclusively of the practice of asanas. There were very few standing asanas before 1900. By 2012, there were at least 19 widespread styles.

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